The Widow of the Web


This week on the podcast: James laments the Widow of the Web, while I have no idea who that is. We get an apology from a British gnome who opposed marriage equality, and hear from some Tennessee Beavers who only believe in "natural marriage." And we also fret a bit about Neil Gorsuch, Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee who spells bad news for equal rights.



In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Bathroom Bill as Played by Ellen Burstyn

On this week's podcast, Ellen's Burstyn out all over as James descends into a sleepy madness. I confess a dream of clowns, and we debate the true meaning of marriage extortion. We conclude with a mystery of faith, and a wedding overseen by a pig.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Murder She Hopes

On this week's podcast: James marries an elf in the kingdom of Hyrule, a maiden finds herself transformed, and support for marriage is at 83 percent in Germany where they have all the schneckens. We play an extended game of "What's Her Name" with Kirk Cameron, and speculate about Vanna White's ouija potential.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

It Depends on the Intent of the Sandwich

This week, we're never lambing alone with Australia's meaty Mardi Gras. There's been yet another hearing the saga of the bakery that won't make gay wedding cakes, and a gay island declared war on Australia. 


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Case of the Misplaced Moustache

This week on the podcast: a Supreme Court clerk has delivered a deliciously satisfying slapdown to lawyers who were intentionally using the wrong pronouns for a trans teenager who's had to sue so that he can go to school. A whole bunch of countries are legalizing marriage equality in Europe, but I'm distressed because I can't remember Mike Myers' name. And we think back to Connie Chung's career in musical theater.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Royal Way to Eat a Tuffet

On this week's Defining Marriage, we discuss an Australian who says that gay marriage is a Soviet-Nazi mind-control plot -- because yes, of course, if Nazis were able to control our minds, the very first thing they would do is convince everyone to support gay marriage. We are also visited by Laura Derider, a southern belle with strong thoughts on bakers and florists who refuse to serve gay couples. And James reveals the royal way to eat a tuffet. There may be a butt or two involved.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

We Found a Ratboy

On this week's podcast: Finland has released its very own Tom of Finland emoji to celebrate marriage equality, as well as some additional emoji for naked saunas, skiing, and a very graphic pastry. There's more fighting over who has to make whose cakes, whether cake fetishists are a legally protected class, and also anxiety about whether marriage equality will spell the end of the human race. (It's won't.) Also, we discuss the cinematic masterpiece that is Ratboy.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Rats in a Raincoat

This week on the Defining Marriage podcast, I sputter incoherently while James spins a yarn about the pigeon Superbowl. We discuss a marriage-inequality bill that's likely to be vetoed -- by, as James puts it, Danny De-Veto -- and also hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills coming in the next few weeks. We also have lavender marriages, the first major city in Japan to recognize same-sex couples, Cloris Leachman, and a dead rat.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Unlocking the Donkey Within

On this week's episode of the Defining Marriage podcast, we are encouraged and befuddled by a Catholic priest who somehow found a way to marry his boyfriend and remain a priest. James gets a spook from a bicycle and a zombie, and we reflect on the proud history of Hee Haw. Also -- some big Supreme Court news is coming this week, so gird your loins.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers

This week on the podcast we discover an adorable gay dating sim -- the first of its kind in China, where LGBT relationships are often suppressed. Over in Taiwan, we untangle the reasons why the country is advancing so quickly towards marriage equality while Australia lags behind. James has some VERY harsh words for remarkably hypocritical Texas Republicans. And someone wants to marry a Ferris Wheel.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


The Horse in the Nude Castle

I've been swanning around the house with cold and now I find James even more confusing than usual. He's been seasoning the counters and getting caught in zippers. Germany and Austria are creeping up on marriage equality with something called "Plan A," not to be confused with "Planet of the Apes." Or maybe it is to be confused, because James has a monkey-marriage plan.



In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Don't Gaslight my Schlong

I had extra coffee for this week's Defining Marriage, and I'm not sure I like what it's done to me. We bounce from Meryl Streep's golden globes to evil furries to Coachella's evil anti-gay-ish owner. We also have some words about the Alpha and Omega, by which I obviously mean two weird-looking toothpaste wolves.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Best Make Egg Costume Man

Who'd have guessed that the Flintstones had the year's best take on marriage equality? This week on the Defining Marriage podcast, you'll hear me sputter and stammer like a fish in mayonnaise as I try to recall the name of Joan Collins (not Joan Crawford) because she played Wilma's mother in one of the movies.

Also this week: researchers ask each other whether it should be legal to marry robots, and James provides a response. (It is "no, dummies.") We learn about the Teletongue; and also discuss the rogue's gallery attending Donald's inauguration.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Introducing Mother Mayo

This week on the podcast: Roy Moore, removed from the Alabama Supreme Court for telling clerks not to issue marriage licenses, may be headed to the Senate to fill a seat vacated by a Trump appointee. Oh, good.

But there's also some good news this week: we discuss Gibraltar's first gay marriage, Neil Gaiman's lost episode of Power Rangers, and stoned dogs.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Susie Booze Cruise

On the podcast this week: we differentiate The Rouged One from Rogue One, and delight in the difficulties of Judge Roy Moore. Also, a funny story about George Lucas and a hat, as well as Lord Dimwit Flathead from Zork. As always, I spend a little time (but not too much) trying to remember some names; and James tells the tale of the erotic mayor of Lowell. I summon a fish to a dish, and we probe the possible ways that Donald Trump's swamp monsters could take away marriage equality. These things are all related, I promise.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Schizophrenic Breakdown

On this week's episode of the podcast, we contemplate the National Organization for Marriage's strange new shell game, and also Shelley Long, and coconut shells. But it's mostly good news this week: Despite NOM's best efforts, marriage equality is coming to more nations all around the world -- sometimes slowly, but still, progress is progress. 


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Pelican's Briefs

On this week's episode of Defining Marriage: James is a man with a plan to push back against the awful people in the Donald administration. It might not be a good plan, but it's not like anyone else is stepping up. Also, Prop 8 might be coming back. But hey there are some really great documentaries about dogs on Netflix!


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Trump Appointee who Eats Cars and Smells Like a Fish

On this week's episode, we lament the Three Jerks of the Apocalypse: a trio of Trump appointees who will almost certainly work to undermine marriage equality without ever needing to bother with the Supreme Court. From the departments of eduction, justice, and health/human services, you can expect these people to make life miserable for LGBT people. Get used to hearing the names Betsy DeVos, Jeff Sessions, and Bill Price, and to saying them very sadly whenever they come up in conversation.

Also there was just a cute gay couple that got engaged while cosplaying as Power Rangers, so that's fun.


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

The Sudden Problem Law Center

This week on the podcast: oh lord, won't somebody please give us some good news? We talk about some of the grim news coming out of Washington DC, and also that possible Supreme Court nominee who may or may not have posed nude. Also did you know there are two Fergies and they're not even from the same country? 


In Your Arms Kevin MacLeod ( 
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Fear Leads to Anger

Here we are, having a picnic!

I don't know what to say about this week's episode, or really about anything, ever. We're dealing with the meaning of last week's election, and also exploring opportunities to take action now that the world is ... different. And I have some good news: in light of these weird times, I've made the ebook version of Defining Marriage free for this week only! Head over to Amazon and pick up a copy that you can read on any device. (Also on this week's episode we talk about how to change the world with picnics.)

And: we had a bit of a whoops with the audio in this episode -- there's a little snap and crackle. I'd reduced it as much as possible so hopefully it does not cause you distress.