A Little More F'd Up (Ep 347 - Six Feet Under/Scott)

My guest this week is Scott, host of the podcast The Movies that Made us Gay. His first glimpse at gay life was the same-sex couple on the show Six Feet Under, which inspired him to formulate an escape plan from his small Montana home, his sights set on Hollywood. The plan was to find his way into the entertainment industry, but that all changed shortly after he arrived and met the man who would one day become his husband.

We’ll have that conversation in a minute. First — I’ve got a new video coming this weekend over on YouTube, all about TV gay bars, and the unexpected reason that the macho crime finding studs of Starsky and Hutch transformed into the grandmotherly Jessica Fletcher on Murder she Wrote. Check out my YouTube for that, and head over to Patreon to see some bonus videos.

And just a quick reminder that I’ve got a little newsletter where I share sneak peeks at what I’m working on. Sign up for that at mattbaume.com.

Also a big thanks to everyone who supports the Sewers of Paris on Patreon. And to everyone who’s reviewed it on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen.