The Monster I Have to Beat (Ep. 159 - JP Brammer)

This Week's Guest: JP Brammer

How do you forgive someone who won't, or can't, apologize? My guest this week is JP Brammer, who dispenses advice in the column Hola Papi on Grindr's news site Into. JP's made a name for himself by providing thoughtful insights into living your best gay life, but his understanding of life and love didn't just spring into existence fully formed. It's the product of some pain, some forgiveness, and a college club that he really hoped would present more opportunities for making out.

Thanks to everyone who makes The Sewers of Paris possible with a pledge of a dollar or more a month on Patreon. There are special rewards for patrons like early ad-free access to content, shoutouts in videos, and a copy of my book mailed to you with some cute Sewers of Paris buttons. If you're enjoying the show, click "Support the Show on Patreon." Or if you can't pledge, you can still help out by leaving a review on your podcast platform of choice.

And! If you're in San Francisco, I'll be in town to host a live show featuring drag queens playing Dungeons and Dragons. It's on March 20th at Oasis and features Erika Klash from Dragula; Kitty Powers, of the games Matchmaker and Lovelife; San Francisco stars Pollo Del Mar and KaiKai Bee Michaels; and past Sewers guest Pup Amp, the scantily clad co-host of the YouTube series Watt's the Safeword. Tickets are now on sale -- head over to for the link. And if you're not in San Francisco, please pass the word along to anyone who you think might enjoy the show.

Also: I'm about to launch a brand new podcast featuring drag queens playing D&D! It's called Queens of Adventure, and we're crowdfunding throughout the month of March to pay for performers, music, art, and equipment. Visit to join us in bringing this new podcast to life.

This Week's Recommendation: I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew

And for my recommendation this week, pick up the Dr. Seuss book I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew. It's a quick read, of course, and it's about a young person -- or cat, or dog? Or whatever Dr. Seuss creatures are -- who's beset by troubles and does everything he can to escape from them.

On his way to a promised paradise called Solla Sollew, he endures bad weather, illness, war, cancelled bus routes. Nothing goes his way and the closer he gets to his destination the rougher life becomes. But he'd determined to make it because, he's convinced that all of his troubles will be over if he can just get far enough away from them.

And maybe that would work, if only Solla Sollew was a bit more accessible. Turns out there's no such thing as a place that's trouble-free, no matter how far you travel. And that leaves our hero with a choice -- keep running from his troubles, or turn back and deal with them... knowing now that troubles never really go away. But you can become trouble for them.

Stuff We Talked About